Saturday, July 4, 2009

PhpPgAdmin for Gentoo

I just spent an afternoon getting PhpPgAdmin working on my Gentoo server. There were a couple of pitfalls that tripped me up so I thought I'd relate the process.

To get PhpPgAdmin working you need three things: Postgres (of course), Php, and a webserver. Postgres, I already had installed and working following this tutorial. Rather than emerging the default Postgres package which is version 8.2, I emerged the latest package 8.3. So:

emerge -av virtual/postgresql-base #emerge the database
passwd postgres #set a password for the db user
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
emerge --config =postgresql-8.3.5 #(now 8.3.7), finish the install
/etc/init.d/postgresql start #start the database
rc-update add postgresql default #and, of course, add to the default runlevel

You can then configure the users to your hearts content using the createuser and dropuser commands. In addition, make sure to edit pg_hba.conf to allow all the connections you need. Make sure local, unix socket, connections are available. Is should be available under /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/data/pg_hba.conf. Also, make sure any users that will need to locally access the database are in the Postgres group.

usermod -aG postgres username

Keep in mind that whatever user your webserver runs as will also need to be added.

Which, brings us to the next step: the webserver. For reasons unreleated to PhpPgAdmin I already had an install of Lighttpd, and I wanted to use it rather than the standard Apache2. After fiddling for a while I reallized that I would have to reemerge it with the fastcgi and php flags enables (they are not enabled by default.) So:

echo "www-servers/lighttpd fastcgi php" >> /etc/portage/package.use #enable flags
emerge -av lighttpd #emerge lighttpd
/etc/init.d/lighttpd start #start the server
rc-update add lighttpd default #make sure it starts on restart

Php is a straightforward install:

echo "dev-lang/php cgi" >> /etc/portage/package.use
emerge -av php

You may wany to set cgi.fix_pathinfo to 1 in

vim /etc/php/cgi-php/php.ini

Before you install PhpPgAdmin, change vhost_server to whatever webserver you installed. It defaults to Apache, so if you used Lighttpd, change it to that. This file is /etc/vhosts/webapp-config/. And we can install PhpPgAdmin:

emerge -av phppgadmin

That should be it. You can access it through using whatever login you made for Postgres.

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